The Darkwater Tarot 2017. For additional information, please see: Menu, Texts: Reading the Darkwater Tarot
The Darkwater Tarot (see examples below 18:79) is the first project created specifically to explore the idea of personal and collective memory, using specific archetypal (visual) triggers. Although not a controlled scientific study, the Darkwater Tarot uses images to prompt specific questions; images which identify issues and propose solutions common to all our lives.
The Darkwater Tarot (black and white, 78 cards) has been designed to help the ‘reader’ identify and develop hitherto unexplored, alternative pathways within this traditional tarot deck. To achieve this goal, cards of the Major Arcana and the royal cards of the Minor Arcana employ two different (main) images of equal value, on each card (a unique double-headed deck). This design presents the reader with thirty-eight additional and alternative images, based on an innovative visual interpretation of the traditional tarot. The pip cards of the Minor Arcana use a ‘tree’ divination system – a system related to themes from the tree of life.
Rather than a reverse reading, the design and the content of each card provides alternative pathways for the reader to discover.
Update 25th August 2018: For an independent review by Margo Benson, 2018 of The Darkwater Tarot please see: Tarot Association of the British Isles website: (TABI)
Update 30th October 2018 a second independent review of the Darkwater Tarot by Katalin Patnaik, please see
Update: 6th December 2108: Independent review of the Darkwater Tarot by Caroline Blackler 27th January 2020: Katalin Patnaik review for TABI (see also
Update: 05.10.2020
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A design found on all 78 tarot cards. This image could be used as an additional divination card.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Fool. Alternative reading The Traveller.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading: The Magus. Alternative reading: The Magician.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The High Priestess. Alternative reading The Nun.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Heirophant. Alternative reading The Word.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Lovers. Alternative reading The Fall.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Strength. Alternative reading Lust.

Double-headed card. Traditional and alternative readings are close varients of each other.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Hanged Man. Alternative reading Expediency.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Tower. Alternative reading Home.

Double-headed card. Traditional reading The Devil. Alternative reading Freedom .

Minor Arcana: Based of the Tree of Life.